Thriving tech teams need high trust cultures
Tech is dynamic and disruptive. Change and complexity are everyday norms. Success is created through innovation not repetition; when teams collaborate to solve complex, shifting problems.
Within this environment of change and complexity, tech folk are under lots of pressure – especially those who shoulder management and delivery responsibility. Nurturing a high trust team culture takes skill and care.
Tech has a stress and burnout problem. This puts huge pressure on team leaders and line managers who need to demonstrate confident people skills to reduce stress and build trust.
And so, people skills are hugely important.

Overcoming the people skills challenge
Specialists within the technology space tend to get promoted because they are good at doing things. They are great with code; they build an extensive knowledge and industry expertise that enables them to be extraordinary problem solvers and thinkers. As they get promoted their responsibilities expand to leading projects, teams and then departments.
When people are very task oriented or driven by building expertise; their brain gains pleasure from satisfying the task. The more we enjoy something the more we do it. This virtuous circle can become a vicious circle as people take on management responsibilities.
Thriving organisations cannot afford to have the ‘genius in the basement’ – gifted individuals who produce great work but ‘don’t do people’.
In the fast paced, tech driven workplace satisfying the task is not enough to get complex interdependent work done.

Highly developed, high trust people skills are essential
At its heart leadership is the ability to influence others behaviour. We believe leadership is a mindset and that everyone in every part of your organisation can be a leader.
To maximise the positive power of the people in your workforce our programmes are based on the brain science that underpins leadership, trust, effective communication, psychological safety and connection. In a complex and uncertain environment: everyone needs to create the psychological safety necessary to support others in giving voice to their ideas; and be able to hear and take on board feedback.

Highly developed, high trust people skills are essential
At its heart leadership is the ability to influence others behaviour. We believe leadership is a mindset and that everyone in every part of your organisation can be a leader.
To maximise the positive power of the people in your workforce our programmes are based on the brain science that underpins leadership, trust, effective communication, psychological safety and connection. In a complex and uncertain environment: everyone needs to create the psychological safety necessary to support others in giving voice to their ideas; and be able to hear and take on board feedback.